Jean-Luc Gaudiot for Division V Director

Why I Am Running for IEEE Computer Society Division Director and Seek Your Support

As IEEE Division Director, representing Computer Society, I will strive to significantly expand our impact in three key areas:

  • Technical Relevance
  • Diversity and Geographic Representation
  • Grassroots Activities

That is why I am running for Division Director.

My focus as Division Director will be on fostering open communities, ensuring the seamless flow of information, responding to the evolving needs of our members, and, most importantly, promoting inclusivity across all fronts. These principles have guided my long and distinguished service to the IEEE Computer Society, and with your support, I will continue to champion them as IEEE Division Director.

My priorities

As a skilled leader, I will work to unify emerging opportunities into a coherent, viable vision for the future. I will prioritize supporting Societies, Councils, Chapters, and Student Chapters—the core of IEEE. Recognizing that innovation often grows from grassroots efforts, I will encourage these groups to explore and establish new activities, develop new products, and disseminate technical information as widely as possible.

I will also focus on breaking down traditional silos, fostering interaction among members through multi-society memberships, interdisciplinary events, and modern communication platforms. This will help us create new, innovative ways to connect and collaborate.

While our hallmark services—transactions, magazines, standards, and conferences—remain central to our mission, I will actively promote the Open Access publication mandate to keep us competitive in the ever-evolving publication landscape.

My overarching goal is to continue fostering a demographically diverse and inclusive membership within the Computer Society, beginning at the grassroots level. Now, more than ever, we need to nurture volunteer-based, grassroots activities that address the needs of our members.

Division Directors play essential roles in IEEE governance. The Division V Director, one of two directors elected by the Computer Society membership, represents the interests of the Computer Society and its members within the larger IEEE organization (more details here).

In summary, my vision for this role is rooted in inclusivity across demographics, geography, and technical disciplines. With rapid technological advancements, changing information dissemination methods, and evolving member demographics and needs, IEEE faces significant challenges and opportunities for transformation. My experience and insight will be invaluable in navigating these challenges and seizing the opportunities they present.

I respectfully ask for your vote to help lead IEEE-CS into a promising future that benefits you and all our fellow members and advances humanity by leveraging technology.

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