Given: four values, a, b, c, and d, all real numbers; the formulas for the mean and standard deviation mean = (a+b+c+d)/4; standard deviation = (((a-mean)**2 + (b-mean)**2 + (c-mean)**2 + (d-mean)**2) / 3)**0.5Compose: a let-in statement that returns the mean and standard deviation of the given set of numbers.
let mean := (a + b + c + d) / 4.0; a_diff := a - mean; b_diff := b - mean; c_diff := c - mean; d_diff := d - mean; a_diff_sq := a_diff * a_diff; b_diff_sq := b_diff * b_diff; c_diff_sq := c_diff * c_diff; d_diff_sq := d_diff * d_diff; diff_sq_sum := a_diff_sq + b_diff_sq + c_diff_sq + d_diff_sq; sigma := sqrt( diff_sq_sum / 3.0 ) in mean, sigma end let
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