Assuming that the user has a Sisal program composed and ready to compile, the first step is to run it through OSC for syntax checking. Once the program is syntactically correct, it is guaranteed to be semantically correct, and is likely to be at least close logically to what the programmer intended. So, let us take a minute to discuss the overall structure of most Sisal programs by looking at an example. Then we will describe how to compile and run the example on a real parallel computer.
The program accessible through the following anchor is a standard example, used to illustrate the structure of a typical technical application written in Sisal. The reader may wish to bring up a second window so it can be viewed alongside its description.
Looking at the commentary at the head of the program, and at the main function (function "main), we can see that the program is an integration approximator, that recursively refines an initial number of subdivisions of an integration interval by halving the width of each subinterval (doubling their number) and using the total area of the trapezoidal approximation for each subinterval as the definite integral. This process stops when either a sufficient number or recursive refinements have taken place, or when a convergence test is past. The arguments to the program are the x-values of the integration interval endpoints, the convergence tolerance, and the initial number if subintervals. The outputs are the integral approximation, the number of refinement steps or iterations taken, the number of subintervals finally use to produce the final answer, and the total number of subinterval area values calculated. The function being integrated must be inserted into the code of this simple sample program; there is one present already, a polynomial, whose integral can readily be calculated by hand as a check on the program's operation.
In structure, the program has a sequential outer loop, the initial clause of which computes the initial approximation, given the initial number of subintervals. In the loop body, the subintervals are refined and another approximation is calculated. The convergence test is at the bottom of the loop, and uses both the freshly computed approximation and the most recent previous one to determine convergence. The outer sequential loop contains a for-loop which ranges over the number of subintervals currently being used. In this loop a function named "trap_area" is called to calculate the area of one trapezoid. Function "f" is called by "trap_area" to calculate the function values at the trapezoidal endpoints. The doubling of the number of subintervals in each iteration of the outer loop causes the range of the for- loop to double, increasing the amount of work that is exploitable for parallel execution. This doubling justifies the use for an iteration ceiling in the convergence test, to make sure the program does not run away with itself under pathological numerical conditions, and generate an unbounded amount of work, swamping the runtime system in the process. The code in the file accessed by the above anchor should be in shape for compilation. The contents of the file accessible below are sample inputs for the program, once it is ready to run.
Trapezoidal integrator program input
The shell actions and results of compiling and executing the program can be seen by clicking on the following anchor:
Compiling and executing the trapezoidal integrator program
The first line shows OSC being invoked, with no arguments other than the name of the source file. The Optimizing Sisal Compiler has a large number of options allowing in-depth control of the entire multi-phasic compilation and optimization process. These options are documented in the "OSC" man pages which are installed during the compiler installation process. The compilation proceeds through various stages, translating Sisal source into a data flow graph language, called IF1, translating that into an annotated memory management graph language called IF2, and finally producing C code; the target machine's compiler is then invoked to complete the process and leave an executable memory image, called "s.out" by default, containing the runtime system for I/O and parallel task management. The compiler can be ordered to return varying amounts of information to the terminal. Of particular interest are syntax error messages, which are not shown in this example.
When compilation is completed, execution is ordered by typing the name of the executable, which in this case is the default "s.out." Extensive options also exist for controlling the execution, and these, too, are documented in the "s.out" man pages which are automatically installed during compiler installation. In this example, no options are present. The runtime system presents a startup message to the terminal, and then waits for inputs from the Unix input channel "standard Input," since no file name was given. The inputs are typed in manually on the next line, and execution proceeds. Again, no output file name was given, output is sent to the Unix output channel "standard output", and appears on the terminal. The outputs are those specified in the program: (1) the array of subinterval approximations - eleven of them, since we asked for ten iterations to be taken; (2) the total number of approximations steps, including the first one in the initial clause of the outer loop; (3) the total number of subintervals used to compute the final answer; and, (4) and the total number of area evaluations performed in the program's execution. The odd form of the array of area approximations is due to the fact that Sisal has a syntax for its inputs and outputs. This is because, since all objects are dynamic, their boundaries must be denoted for proper handling on input, and because one Sisal program's output is immediately suitable for use as input to other Sisal programs. The name of the simple I/O language is "Fibre," and more information on it can be found in the Fibre manual [47]. Next to observe are the results of more complex executions:
Executing the trapezoidal integrator program in parallel
In this file, we see the results of a parallel execution. First, the input is put into a file for convenience, using the Unix "cat" command. Next, execution is performed with the names of input and output files specified. Then execution is performed again with options "-r -w1 -z". These tell the runtime system to turn on execution performance monitoring, run with one worker process, and suppress output, respectively. The next execution uses the same options, except for "-w4", which specifies the use of four worker processes. This allows the exploitation of parallelism, with the runtime system slicing the available loops and partitioning the work to the worker processes. Finally, see the display of the execution info file, "," through the use of the Unix "more" command. This file contains the worker process execution times and memory usages for the two executions made with the "-r" option specified. The sequential run shows the single-worker cpu time is shown as 0.08 seconds, and each of the worker cpu times for the four- worker run are shown as 0.02 seconds. This indicates that the compiler and runtime system did a good job of exploiting the available parallelism, and the result was an execution speedup of four.
The Sisal Language Project has been approved as a Designated Unclassified Subject Area (DUSA) K19222, as of 07 August, 1991.
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