define main

% This module is a trapezoidal rule integration program.
% For any supplied function f(X:double_real), it takes
% double real inputs defining endpoints of the interval
% to be integrated over, a double real tolerance, and an
% integer count of sub-intervals to divide the interval
% into. It returns an array of double_real values of the
% numerical value of the definite integral over the interval,
% the number of refinement iterations made, the number of
% subintervals actually used to arrive at the final result,
% and the total number of subinterval area calculations made.

type One_Dim_D = array [ double_real ];
type Two_Dim_D = array [ One_Dim_D ];


function f( x : double_real returns double_real )

15.0d0 * x * x * x - 6.375d0 * x * x + 11.9d0 * x - 33.999d0

end function %% f


function trap_area( left_end, right_end : double_real
                    returns double_real )
% Calculates the area of a trapezoid
let     h     := right_end - left_end;
        f_avg := ( f(left_end) + f(right_end) )/2.0d0

in      h * f_avg

end let
end function %% trap_area


function main( a, b : double_real;	   % Endpoints of integration
                                      %    interval
	              epsilon : double_real;	% tolerance
	              initial_n : integer;	  % Initial number of
                                      %    subintervals

               returns One_Dim_D,	    % values of approximation
                                      %    of definite integral
		                     integer,		     % iteration counter
		                     integer )	     % number of subintervals
                                      %    finally used
for initial
	  N :=	initial_n;
   Total_N := N;
  	Cnt :=	1;
	  H :=	(b - a) / double_real(N);
	  Area :=	for i in 1, N
        		    ai := a + double_real(i-1) * h;
        	    	bi := ai + h;
   		      returns value of sum trap_area( ai,  bi )
   		      end for
  	N :=	old N * 2;
   Total_N := old Total_N + N;
  	Cnt :=	old Cnt + 1;
  	H :=	old H / 2.0d0;
  	Area :=	for i in 1, N
        		    ai := a + double_real(i-1) * h;
        	    	bi := ai + h;
   	      	returns value of sum trap_area( ai, bi )
	         	end for

until abs( area - old area ) < epsilon | Cnt > 12

returns array of Area
  	     value of Cnt
  	     value of N
        value of Total_N
end for

end function %% main


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% If you have any questions about this page, or want more information about the
% Sisal Language Project, contact:

% John Feo at (510) 422-6389 or feo@diego.llnl.gov, or
% Tom DeBoni at (510) 423-3793 or deboni@llnl.gov. %

% The Sisal Language Project has been approved as a Designated Unclassified
% Subject Area (DUSA) K19222, as of 07 August, 1991.
% LLNL Disclaimer
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