I have been an ardent champion of the profession and through many positions of leadership, and have sought to foster scientific content creation, publication dissemination, and community interaction. Some of my most salient positions are listed below:
IEEE Membership
- TAB adhoc Committee on Multiple Society Discount Program Chair (2021-2022): In this position, I was able to promote inter-society synergies. It has given me a deep understanding of the delicate interactions between societies, councils, and TAB.
Computer Society
- Computer Society President(2017)
- As the Computer Society was faced with a major deficit, I initiated an intense year of reforms ranging from operations to budget issues, leading to a solid, sustainable financial situation on which subsequent presidents were able to build.
- Initiated activities in emerging technologies (Cybersecurity, BlockChain, etc.)
- Engaged membership with an emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion as well as geographic reach
- Vice President, Publications Board (2014-2015)
- Vice President, Educational Activities Board (2013)
- Member, Board of Governors (2009-2018)
- Chair, Technical Committee on Computer Architecture (2006-2009)
- Member, IEEE ACM/CS Eckert-Mauchly Award Committee (chair one year)
- Computer Society Publications Board
- Chair of the Transactions Operations Committee and Magazine Operations Committee
- Vice President of the Publications Board (2014-2015): Oversaw the operations of a total of 12 Magazines and 14 Transactions and initiated several projects including Journal First – Conference Second and Versioning.
- TAB Periodical Committee (2020-2023). Contributed to multiple committees and chaired:
- Open Access EIC Best Practices
- Use of AI Tools for Reviewer selection
- Submission process standardization
- Co-founder and first Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Computer Architecture Letters: relevance, time to publication, and impact are primary metrics of our publications. In the modern publication environment, I identified a need in the community for an archival journal venue where good ideas could be evaluated rapidly, would find quick exposure.
- Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Computers
- Member, Editorial Board of multiple journals (IEEE TC, Parallel Processing Letters, etc.)
- Co-founder of the IEEE-CS/ACM Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) conference: back in 1993, I recognized the need for a conference which would link three major areas of research in parallel processing: architecture, programming paradigm, and compilers. Careful steering has allowed us to parlay this meeting into a premier conference widely respected in the field.
- General Chair, COMPSAC 2019
- (Co-) Technical Program Committee Chair of multiple IEEE CS and ACM sponsored conferences (HPCA 1999, CF 2004, SBAC-PAD 2013, 2011, 2007, 2004, IPDPS 2005, PACT 1995, etc.)
- (Co-) General Chair of multiple IEEE CS and ACM sponsored conferences (ISCA 1992, ISPDC 1993, CF 2004, NPC 2005, NPC 2007, NPC 2010, CSE 2011, etc.)
- Steering Committee member of several conferences (PACT, NPC, HPCA, SBAC-PAD)